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Merlin” is a Military Macaw. He has already been to several homes, ending up in a pet shop, Merlin has picked up some unfavorable habits such as biting, screaming and was on his way to self mutilation.

He does not like men, and only lets a few women come near him. He likes to play with his toys and the other birds. Merlin has improved tremendously since he has come to live at the foundation.


“Berry” is a Rose Breasted Cockatoo. Berry is missing toes on one foot from an accident that was preventable.

He has an attitude, which is why we call him Berrytude. Berry loves to chew and run around chasing the other animals. He often gets into the newspaper pile and makes great confetti. Berry came to us with “Merlin”, they are inseparable, they do not play or associate with each other but have to be able to see each other all the time.


“Baby”Is a Blue and Gold Macaw. She loves to play with her toys and with people. She can say Hi, Hi Baby, She laughs when people laugh. She would not bond with her previous owner, so he decided to find her a new home.


"Ziggy" is a Umbrella Cockatoo, His owner developed an allergy to his dander and had to give him up. He loves to dance and play with his toys.


“Zeke” is a Blue and Gold Macaw, Zeke was rescued from an abusive home. Zeke is very aggressive as he never had anyone show him love and understanding.

Zeke says many different sayings such as: Hello, What are you doing, Bye-Bye and some that cannot be repeated. Zeke likes to play with his toys and hide in boxes. He is currently being rehabilitated and is making progress; we can now get him to step up without being bitten.


"Percy" is a Lilac-Crowned Amazon, this beautiful bird came to us after her owners passed away. She is a plucker, she was badly abused by people before her previous owners took her in.


"Nala" is a Military Macaw, this beautiful bird came to us because her owner could not keep her in his apartment.. She loves to play, visit the other birds, and loves food. She is very sociable with everyone she meets.


Each of these Cockatiels came to us from owners who decided they did not want a bird. Another example of conpulsive buying. 20 Cockatiels grace our foundation each one is very special and they all love living in a flock. Males and Females are seperated so no breeding.

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